Conservative councillors who have run Mid Sussex District Council for virtually all its history were publicly thanked by the authority's Chief Executive ahead of consideration of the forthcoming year's Corporate Plan and Budget.
In Mid Sussex "we are in a privileged position", Kathryn Hall (pictured) told the meeting. "But we are not there by luck. We are there because of the decisions elected members have made over the years ... so a lot of credit to those who served in previous councils", she added. Mid Sussex has been run for all but five of its fifty year history serving the people of the district.
Ms Halll also referenced councils in the region who are in debt and struggling to supply services to residents: "Nationally, and not very far away we have we have local authorities who frankly, and very concerningly, are being overwhelmed by the demands on their services, are cutting services and making staff redundant., she said." Interestingly, these councils include several run by Labour, Green Party and Lib-Dem administrations.
Conservative member Cllr Rex Whittaker (EG Imberhorne) raised a question, wanting confirmation that, unlike so many local authorities, Mid Sussex has no external borrowing and, if so "that is a remarkable position." Answering, Director Lousie Duffield said she concurred completely, "We don't have any borrowing ... it's an excellent position to be in".